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How to Treat Sore Throat Naturally

The reader follows I will try to share the article on sore throat, any reader who knows nothing is experiencing sore throat. Strep throat is caused due to power your body is not good so easily attacked or infected, a little weather changes can make you exposed to strep throat and can affect anyone.

Quick Ways to Overcome Flu or Colds Naturally

Quick Ways to Overcome Flu or Colds Naturally - Influenza or better known as the flu or a cold is a viral infection that occurs in the respiratory apparatus such as the nose, throat and lungs, thus affecting the working of the nose, throat and the most rare, lung you. Flu disease can be easily contagious and spreads from one person to another through shared way to share drinks, sharing eating utensils, direct contact, also coughing and sneezing.

How to prevent the flu naturally

Flu / Colds disease is most often experienced by most people, the disease is not very dangerous but very disturbing our activities, we have done a lot of effort but the flu is not abate. Please note that there is no cure for the flu. The only way in order not only to the prevention of flu.

How to Overcome Allergies easily and naturally

Allergies seem to have been familiar to our ears, in our daily lives we often hear, or even may have experienced the onset of spotting or bentolan itchy skin and spread over the surface of the body or skin, some time after eating a particular food . Complaints or picture as it is one of the many manifestations of allergic diseases are often encountered.

Our bodies have an amazing range of defense mechanisms. This mechanism is made to maintain our health. One such mechanism known as the immune system / immune. In brief, the work of the immune system such that when a foreign material such as bacteria or viruses enter the body, the body will recognize the tissue specific proteins of foreign material attackers and make an antidote (antidote substances) that will only last eradicate specific proteins. Bidder for defense chemicals produced by our bodies called antibodies. While the foreign protein to be attacked and  overpowered called antigens.

The defense system was ingenious and successful. The disadvantage is that the body must meet two foreign proteins (antigens) before this system can produce a defense against it (antibodies). In other words, we should be attacked first before we can fight. For example, if the body exposed to the measles virus would not be so problematic, but the problem will be complicated / serious if the body is dealing with serious diseases such as smallpox or diphtheria. Basically, those who survived the dangerous infection so it is thanks to the immune system / defense of those who work quickly and start producing antibodies in a short time. So, when the body's reaction is slower, those infected will be less fortunate.

Dust, pollen, mold, food and materials that are basically not harm can act as an antigen in certain people. These materials enter the body through the lungs or gastrointestinal tract and then breaks into a network, that is where they induce the formation of antibodies. As a result of the convergence of antigens and antibodies that destroy tissue that is concerned and cause symptoms / complaints allergy.

Not all people who develop allergies cause complaints if the amount of antigen dose is less than the threshold. Unless the dose is exceeded, then the body will manifest / allergic symptoms. This antigen may be a number of pollen carried by the wind is enough to make colds allergies, to eat several servings of food for several days in a row before symptoms develop. Patients may not be cured by avoiding an ingredient when there are several factors allergies. If someone is allergic to a number of material at once, whereas abstinence only eat one kind and still others, of course, not be cured.

Everyone can recognize when a food allergy reaction was swift and sudden severe because the patient experienced a serious rash whenever consuming such material. But, if the allergies caused by food daily or occur several times a week, the body becomes accustomed to suffer as a result of the food and the reaction becomes vague.

Actually, for many years or decades illness seemed to disappear, perhaps only occasional relapses when fluke antigen consuming too much or the presence of trigger factors such as stress, which indirectly lowers the body's resistance. Since the reactions are rare symptoms, then the patient is difficult to determine the cause.

Since endurance wane, then the body is no longer able to cope with the disease and the symptoms of the disease arises. Form of the disease that arises from one person to another is not the same, depending on which body part is more severely affected.

Allergic reaction is certainly a manifestation of the person as a whole. Symptoms will depend on the function of the organs that can be stimulated or depressed. An eye allergy attack would cause red and itchy eyes; if the attack will be runny nose or sneezing; when the lungs will cause asthma or cough; if it attacks the gastrointestinal tract causing abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea or vomiting; attacks the joints can cause pain and stiffness; if that attacked the head can cause headaches, if affects the skin causing eczema, bumps / itching, and so on.

Allergies can occur at all ages both in those who have allergies or not talent / nonalergik. In children, most often found in the Bronchial asthma. While the most common allergens in children are pollen, house dust, animal dander, saliva of animals, and food.

Tips to prevent and avoid allergy / allergens:

• Keep always a healthy body and environment.
• Remove dust nests like trinkets, books, wall hangings, and so on
• If you are allergic to animal fur, do not let the furry beast came into the room.
• Avoid using fabric made from wool or fur material.
• Avoid plants or aquarium which causes mold spores in the air.
• Use an electric air cleaner to remove dust, mold or pollen from the air.
• Replace rugs or heavy curtains that capture and store the dust with a washable curtains and tapestries of cotton.
• If you are allergic to certain foods, avoid the offending food allergen.

How to Overcome Allergies easily and naturally, namely:

15 grams of ginger + 30 cc of white rice vinegar / rice venegar + brown sugar to taste boiled with 400 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, filtered water, drunk. Do it regularly once a day.

If an allergic attack, causing runny nose or sneezing can use the traditional way of the following:

7 leaves continued life + 30 grams of fresh bitter boiled with 500 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, filtered water, drink warm.

Aloe vera leaves to taste peeled and juiced. Squirt aloe vera juice into the nose as much as 3 drops by using a pipette.

Meanwhile, when allergy attacks the skin, causing itching or eczema may be used:

fresh bitter taste + fresh turmeric to taste + sulfur refined taste until smooth, then applied to the affected skin allergies.

ketepeng fresh taste refined china then applied to the affected skin allergies.

If allergy attacks the lungs resulting in asthma can use:

10 flower knob + 10-15 grams of ginger boiled with 500 cc of water until the remaining 250 cc, filtered water, drink warm.

Gotu kola leaves 30 grams + 10 grams of garlic boiled with 500 cc of water until the remaining 250 cc, filtered water, drink warm.

Note: You can use either the traditional way over and done 2 times a day on a regular basis, in doing boiling should use enamel pan or pot soil.

If you are experiencing allergy does not go away immediately consult a doctor for a check-up causes your allergy, so that I can for the article may be useful.

Overcome Low Blood Pressure with Easy and Natural

Overcome Low Blood Pressure with Easy and Natural

Low blood pressure is a disease that many experienced people, but there is still a bit of confusion about this blood pressure problems. Many people assume that lower blood pressure and less blood is the same. Here note (for those who still ambiguous), that lower blood pressure and less blood is different. Indeed, the symptoms could be caused both almost the same, ie weakness, lack of drive, drowsiness etc.

Easy Ways to Overcome coughing and natural

Easy Ways to Overcome coughing and natural

Cough is a disease that comes from the virus. There are 2 types of cough we need to know that cough with phlegm and a dry cough, cough with phlegm usually when cough is also accompanied by flu and accompanied by phlegm.
This disease will be very painful, but because chest pain causes a lot of movement when coughing, he would also disrupt sleep when suddenly you have awakened when coughing.
Treating coughs naturally good for your course apply, other than to treat it with medicine physician must also be supported with some treatment.

Read also the cause of the cough

Easy Ways to Overcome coughing and natural

1. Ginger Tea
You should mix the ginger slices with tea. Ginger tea is very good for the override cough with phlegm and has been trusted by the community in many Asian countries. Consume 2 times a day will help you to override cough with phlegm.

2. Starfruit Wuluh
Make potions with starfruit be very beneficial. Flowers starfruit also been shown to help relieve cough. Take about a handful of flowers starfruit, then mix with a few grains of fennel, add sugar and a cup of water, then steamed. After a rather cold, strain the mixture and ready to drink.

3. Lime
Surely lime also be very helpful .. Feelings dicampus lemon juice with honey and boiled water. 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of pure honey and 5 tablespoons of boiled water steamed for 30 minutes. The dose to drink this potion is 1 teaspoon twice a day. Other traditional cough medicine made from lemon juice is a mixture of lime and soy sauce. This herb is easy, just lemon juice mixed with soy sauce and taken twice a day as much as a teaspoon.

4. Turmeric
Turmeric is one of the ingredients to relieve cough with phlegm. Add 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric that has been pounded and honey into a glass of milk. Turmeric has natural properties that can relieve cough.

5. Honey and Pepper White
White pepper also has a good efficacy. mixture white pepper on your honey tea then cough up phlegm to be overcome as soon as possible.

6. Acid Young Leaves
Young tamarind leaves can also serve to cure a dry cough. Way, take half a handful of young tamarind leaves, then mix with sweet sage leaves, cinnamon, and sugar cubes to taste. Simmer over low heat until boiling and filtered. Ready to drink potions.

7. Basil
Basil leaves in addition to having a distinctive scent, he can also use sebgai restrain herb for treating coughs with phlegm. Provide 1-2 glasses of water, 2-3 basil leaves, and boiled into one. Drink warm concoction is so cough leikas lost.

8. Betel Leaves
Potions are made from betel leaf is, of course, has a flavor that is quite strange. by taking betel approximately five pieces, add the cloves, cubeb, cardamom, and cinnamon. Then boil all ingredients with water for two cups. Wait until the cooking water to approximately one-half cup. Remove and strain the water. Drink approximately one tablespoon three times a day

9. Roses
Besides the beautiful and charming roses also save properties are good. The rose was also believed to cure cough. The recipe is fresh roses take approximately ten grams, then the team with water and add rock sugar to taste. Drink twice a day.

10. Drink plenty of water Warm
Warm water will greatly help to smooth out the phlegm from the throat, so that you can treat cough with phlegm naturally by eating warm water.

Similarly, the article that I can share may be useful to the reader, I hope the above article the reader can treat cough with phlegm that is being experienced and fully recovered amen.

Simple Ways to Overcome Cough

Simple Ways to Overcome Cough

Cough can occur due to certain stimuli, such as the presence of dust in the cough receptors (nasal, respiratory tract, and even ear). Then will pass through a nerve receptors to the cough center located in the brain. Furthermore, cough receptors will signal to the muscles in the body to remove foreign objects, through a process called the cough.

How simple Treat Cough

There are several ways that we can do when coughing attack them is by making simple lifestyle by following these tips to overcome cough following:

1. Wear JacketsWear a jacket when you leave the house, especially when the weather is cold, cough diminished goal and keep the body warm. Buddy inner can also shower with warm water, warm foods, drink warm, warm-warm pokonya hehe.

2. Use White Wood OilTo keep the body warm inner buddy can also use eucalyptus oil to dibalukan in the chest, neck and nose.

3. Reduce Foods SweetWhen you cough, you can also reduce the food / drink sweet trillionth of sugar as food or drink sweet things are believed to trigger the cough

4. How to Cure Cough with Mixed Soy Sauce and LimeTo cure a cough with a mixture of soy sauce and lime, it is very easy, we can perform the following steps:
a. Materials:- 1 or 2 Fruit Lime- 1 Ketchup Sachet
b. Ways of use:Shopping earlier lemon into 2 parts, was further squeeze the lime into the glass. At the end, mix with soy sauce. Then you drink a mixture of soy sauce and lime juice is 2 -3 times / day until your cough completely subsided.

5. How to Treat Cough with Herbal RemedyIf using a mixture of soy sauce and lime less powerful, you can try to make Herbal healing following cough. Way too easy, you just do the following steps:
a. Materials- Sugar cubes to taste- 7 Sheets betel leaf- 30 grams kencur
b. Ways:First adana kencur iris leaves and mix with betel leaf, then you boiled with water - + 600cc, and 300cc wait until the remaining water. Then you strain the cooking water kencur leaf and betel leaf and mix with the rock sugar. Then you drink herbal ingredients this 2 times a day until your cough is completely healed

6. Wear Masks When DrivingWear a mask while driving may reduce the risk of respiratory tract disorders caused by air pollution.

7. Expand the Drinking WaterThe last way is the simplest way is just by drinking water. Why should memperanyak drink water? As we have seen previously, that water has many benefits and one of them is to maintain the health of our body including hygiene throat.

Coughing can also be grouped into two: cough with phlegm and cough with phlegm, want to know information about the type-jensi cough along with healing. The next time I will try to share it with the readers.

The cause of the cough will not go away

The cause of the cough will not go away

Cough is very often experienced by most people and is considered a mild health problems. Usually by taking cough medicine it would seem effective. However, in some people this is not an effective way and cough reappeared when not taking the drug. Previously we have to recognize that in a natural kind of cough

Types of Cough

Cough can be divided into two types: acute and chronic cough cough, and both types of cough are differentiated based on time. So that we can know the kind of cough that we experience of how long we have a cough.1. Acute CoughAcute cough is a cough that occurs and lasts less than 14 days, and in one episode. If the cough is more than 14 days or occurs in 3 episodes for 3 months in a row, called a chronic cough or recurrent chronic cough.2. Chronic CoughRecurrent chronic cough that often affects children is because of asthma, tuberculosis (TB), and pertussis (whooping cough / cough 100 days). Pertussis is a chronic cough caused by the bacteria Bordetella pertussis. Pertussis can be prevented by immunization DPT.FM JB

Causes of Cough

Before we find out how to cure coughs, first we have to know what are the things that can trigger coughing. Maybe not everyone can know for sure what the cause of the cough. Because there are so many conditions or diseases are accompanied by a persistent cough. For that, you have to know what the cause of your cough does not go away.Cough can be caused by several things which are as follows:1. Generally caused by an infection in the upper respiratory tract which is a flu-like symptoms.2. The upper respiratory tract infections (ARI).3. Allergies4. Asthma or tuberculosis5. Foreign body into the airway6. Choking from drinking milk7. Breathing smoke from people around8. Psychogenic Cough. This cough is caused by a lot of emotional and psychological problems.(wikipedia.com)

From other literature described deeper into the causes of cough,The following reason:

1. Causes of Cough Due to Respiratory InfectionsOne of the most common symptoms are cough colds, flu and other respiratory tract infections. Chronic cough can last much longer than other symptoms (such as nasal congestion and fever) because of the airways in the lungs remain sensitive and inflamed. This condition is called chronic cough syndrome top. More serious infections were pneumonia, which can be caused by bacteria or viruses. The characteristic cough with greenish sputum with fever, chills, chest pain, nausea and fatigue.

2. Whooping CoughWhooping cough is a cough that is caused by bacteria and is accompanied by fever, runny nose, persistent cough that makes a person difficult to breathe. When inhaling air into the lungs, coughing will produce a distinctive sound that high-pitched whooping. At the initial condition a lot of people who do not have a fever, but a chronic cough that accompanies pertussis can last for weeks.

3. Air Pollution Causes of CoughAir pollution is also a major cause of the cough does not let up. In the short term, smoke from the father for example, can make a dry cough or phlegm and irritation of the lungs of children. Not to mention the dust around which joined together inhaled carbon pollution. This makes the cough becomes more severe and difficult to subside. To avoid this, always wear a mask when you go to a place that is exposed to air pollution. Or keep your child out of the smoker. Try each weekend, get your child to visit a place that has fresh air to clean your child's lungs are also your own.

4. Allergy and Asthma Incidence Causes CoughChronic lung disease or asthma is commonly referred to where the airways in the lungs susceptible to inflammation and swelling. When the chest feels tight and shortness of breath accompanied by cough are characteristic symptoms of asthma are likely to intensify over the night or early morning. When asthma symptoms suddenly appear, this is known as an asthma attack.
Then the people who do not suffer from asthma, inhaled pollen, dust, pet hair and airborne irritants can trigger allergic rhinitis, is an allergic reaction that can cause coughing, along with symptoms such as nasal congestion and sneezing. If so, find out what triggers allergies and as much as possible to avoid contact with the trigger. See your doctor immediately.

5. Infected COPDCOPD occurs when the airways and air sacs in the lungs become inflamed or damaged. It is most often caused by smoking and many occur at the age of 45 years and above. COPD makes the lungs produce excessive mucus in reflex, the body tries to remove it with a cough. Related tissue damage can also make breathlessness.
This should be examined by a doctor, especially if you are a smoker. To determine whether a person has COPD or not, will be a series of tests. Including Spirometry tests that inhale and exhale deeply as possible in a tube.

6. Suffering TB diseaseTuberculosis is an infectious disease of the respiratory tract caused by bacteria. This bacterium is a bacterium bacillus very strong so it takes a long time to treat it. These bacteria often infects the lungs (90%) compared to other parts of the human body. The symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis is common cough, mild fever, weight loss, fatigue, appetite down, a lump in the neck, sweating at night. If TB disease getting worse, will occur cough with mucus and blood. For those of you who have these symptoms immediately consult your doctor.
7. Causes of Acute BronchitisThe cause of the cough does not go away Acute bronchitis is a condition due to the channel in the lungs of infected and inflamed. In addition to causing coughing and tightness in the chest, bronchitis also trigger the onset of fever, chills, sore throat and other flu symptoms. These symptoms usually disappear within a few days, but the cough can last for weeks. If acute bronchitis is often the case, it can lead to chronic bronchitis is a serious condition of the lungs that produce excess mucus due to constant irritation.
That some of the causes of cough does not go away. My advice to the doctor and have it checked immediately clean the rooms of your home regularly so that no dust and pollution that will be inhaled when you are at home. Provide good air ventilation chamber, so that the air circulation running smoothly. But if you want to try to overcome cough in a natural way, please read here

How to overcome heartburn naturally

How to overcome heartburn naturally

Heartburn or ulcer disease is one of a stomach ailment suffered by many people. Many do not know that the ulcer disease can be very annoying when it is very severe. Ulcer disease is a disease that attacks the stomach, symptoms such as nausea, stomach feels sore and bloated.The usual therapeutic for how to cope with heartburn there are several ways.If the cause of stress ulcer disease because the treatment is therapeutic approach used psychiatric, psychological counseling, and of course the support of kin. Besides maintaining a regular diet can prevent ulcer disease, and coupled with adequate rest.There are many causes of ulcer disease. However, the most common in people who have a diet and lifestyle that is irregular, causing stress and depression. If you want to avoid ulcer disease, so keep your diet well and eat regularly every day. Do not forget to eat healthy fruits and vegetables that can increase the strength of your body condition. nah you can also follow the following ways to treat heartburn with traditional recipes like this

How to overcome heartburn naturally

1. Traditional medicine heartburn Using Turmeric

Prepare 2 turmeric fingers then wash with cleanTurmeric grated and boiled water plusSqueezed using a clean clothResults of juice left in place and take beningya water, or you can also drink straight.Drink 2 times a day ie morning before meals and at night before bed.

2. Traditional Remedy Using Guava Leaf
Take 8 leaves fresh seed jabuThen boiled with 1.5 liters of water to a boil, then strain the water grab.Dimiun 3 times a day, morning, noon, and evening.

3. Treating heartburn Using Papaya Seeds
Take papaya seeds to tastethen dried papaya seeds to drywhen dry, papaya seeds until finelyafter smooth, pour the papaya seeds collision, and drink regularly

4. Traditional Medicines Ulcer Pain Using Soybean
Prepare 1 / 2kg of soybean seedsThen the soy fried without oil (Roasted)Once roasted, soy until finelyThen add hot water, such as brewing coffeeThe traditional herb drink regularly three times a day for 2 weeksTo prevent heartburn, you can simply take a day once a

If the above drugs have no effect on your Ulcer Disease, please visit the doctor to know you more jelansya ulcer problems, Causes and How to Overcome Ulcer Disease we have discussed above, and note that the stomach does not make a full recovery. So, avoid the problems that can cause an ulcer coming. for more details see also causes heartburnHow pretty easy right to make traditional medicine heartburn? You can follow the traditional way regularly. Hope it is useful. but do not forget to share the article on how to treat heartburn premises trsadisional this recipe to your friends well.

Causes and How to overcome heartburn

Causes and How to overcome heartburn

Heartburn is a disease that is often experienced by some people, this disease occurs in gastric disorders. gastric wall fragile and high stomach acid for a long time will be at risk menyebab Ulcer Disease, this happens to gastroenteritis or stomach ulcers that patients will experience pain in the stomach and midriff are usually accompanied by heartburn and sore.Pain and Perih the coming suddenly and spontaneously disappear instantly. Gallstones or kidney stones that cause the disease stopped abruptly. Then there is also caused due to irregular diet and improper drug consumption and stomach could not accept. And most of all because of stress, but the three causes were related.
Emotional and psychological imbalance causes increased production of stomach acid. If this happens to those who are sensitive or fragile walls of the stomach, it can cause stomach disorders. For someone who is stressed that diets tend to be irregular and can trigger heartburn. Eating drug when stomach acid increases also need to be careful because if the drug is taken on an empty stomach and increased gastric acid can trigger maag.Sakit ulcer disease is often found in the community, this happens because cendrungnya incorrectly set the time and eating right .

The Causes of Ulcer Disease is as follows:

1. Fried FoodMost foods that contain fat is extremely high oil contained. To that end, ulcer disease may arise for someone who often mengkosumsi fried.
2. Eating DisordersIf you've been eating constantly day and without breakfast, or too often eat one time a day or wait time is hungry can cause this disease to come.
3. CaffeineCaffeine as we know it can be soothing, but if too often mengkosumsi without eating rice, the stomach will usually sounds like hunger.
Aside from the above foods, there are a few more one cause of ulcers.• Stress• kelelehan• Lack of sleep• Smoking• Spicy foods• Food / drink acidIf you are one of those who have stomach ulcers are advised not to eat spicy food, and acid because it can make your ulcer recurrence.Ulcer disease could come at the right time when the patient does not eat. Some ulcer medications you can make a lot of heartburn relief, but the core of this drug is to neutralize stomach acid so that there is no buildup of stomach acid in the stomach wall.

Drugs that could be How to Cope Ulcer Disease is as follows:

• Cimetidine• Antacids• Proton pump inhibitors• Pankreatin• Ranitidine• Cytoprotective Agents
The drug can be obtained easily in drug stores or pharmacies around you. If you do not have too much money and still want to use a natural remedy. Please read below how to overcome heartburn naturally.