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The cause of the cough will not go away

The cause of the cough will not go away

Cough is very often experienced by most people and is considered a mild health problems. Usually by taking cough medicine it would seem effective. However, in some people this is not an effective way and cough reappeared when not taking the drug. Previously we have to recognize that in a natural kind of cough

Types of Cough

Cough can be divided into two types: acute and chronic cough cough, and both types of cough are differentiated based on time. So that we can know the kind of cough that we experience of how long we have a cough.1. Acute CoughAcute cough is a cough that occurs and lasts less than 14 days, and in one episode. If the cough is more than 14 days or occurs in 3 episodes for 3 months in a row, called a chronic cough or recurrent chronic cough.2. Chronic CoughRecurrent chronic cough that often affects children is because of asthma, tuberculosis (TB), and pertussis (whooping cough / cough 100 days). Pertussis is a chronic cough caused by the bacteria Bordetella pertussis. Pertussis can be prevented by immunization DPT.FM JB

Causes of Cough

Before we find out how to cure coughs, first we have to know what are the things that can trigger coughing. Maybe not everyone can know for sure what the cause of the cough. Because there are so many conditions or diseases are accompanied by a persistent cough. For that, you have to know what the cause of your cough does not go away.Cough can be caused by several things which are as follows:1. Generally caused by an infection in the upper respiratory tract which is a flu-like symptoms.2. The upper respiratory tract infections (ARI).3. Allergies4. Asthma or tuberculosis5. Foreign body into the airway6. Choking from drinking milk7. Breathing smoke from people around8. Psychogenic Cough. This cough is caused by a lot of emotional and psychological problems.(wikipedia.com)

From other literature described deeper into the causes of cough,The following reason:

1. Causes of Cough Due to Respiratory InfectionsOne of the most common symptoms are cough colds, flu and other respiratory tract infections. Chronic cough can last much longer than other symptoms (such as nasal congestion and fever) because of the airways in the lungs remain sensitive and inflamed. This condition is called chronic cough syndrome top. More serious infections were pneumonia, which can be caused by bacteria or viruses. The characteristic cough with greenish sputum with fever, chills, chest pain, nausea and fatigue.

2. Whooping CoughWhooping cough is a cough that is caused by bacteria and is accompanied by fever, runny nose, persistent cough that makes a person difficult to breathe. When inhaling air into the lungs, coughing will produce a distinctive sound that high-pitched whooping. At the initial condition a lot of people who do not have a fever, but a chronic cough that accompanies pertussis can last for weeks.

3. Air Pollution Causes of CoughAir pollution is also a major cause of the cough does not let up. In the short term, smoke from the father for example, can make a dry cough or phlegm and irritation of the lungs of children. Not to mention the dust around which joined together inhaled carbon pollution. This makes the cough becomes more severe and difficult to subside. To avoid this, always wear a mask when you go to a place that is exposed to air pollution. Or keep your child out of the smoker. Try each weekend, get your child to visit a place that has fresh air to clean your child's lungs are also your own.

4. Allergy and Asthma Incidence Causes CoughChronic lung disease or asthma is commonly referred to where the airways in the lungs susceptible to inflammation and swelling. When the chest feels tight and shortness of breath accompanied by cough are characteristic symptoms of asthma are likely to intensify over the night or early morning. When asthma symptoms suddenly appear, this is known as an asthma attack.
Then the people who do not suffer from asthma, inhaled pollen, dust, pet hair and airborne irritants can trigger allergic rhinitis, is an allergic reaction that can cause coughing, along with symptoms such as nasal congestion and sneezing. If so, find out what triggers allergies and as much as possible to avoid contact with the trigger. See your doctor immediately.

5. Infected COPDCOPD occurs when the airways and air sacs in the lungs become inflamed or damaged. It is most often caused by smoking and many occur at the age of 45 years and above. COPD makes the lungs produce excessive mucus in reflex, the body tries to remove it with a cough. Related tissue damage can also make breathlessness.
This should be examined by a doctor, especially if you are a smoker. To determine whether a person has COPD or not, will be a series of tests. Including Spirometry tests that inhale and exhale deeply as possible in a tube.

6. Suffering TB diseaseTuberculosis is an infectious disease of the respiratory tract caused by bacteria. This bacterium is a bacterium bacillus very strong so it takes a long time to treat it. These bacteria often infects the lungs (90%) compared to other parts of the human body. The symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis is common cough, mild fever, weight loss, fatigue, appetite down, a lump in the neck, sweating at night. If TB disease getting worse, will occur cough with mucus and blood. For those of you who have these symptoms immediately consult your doctor.
7. Causes of Acute BronchitisThe cause of the cough does not go away Acute bronchitis is a condition due to the channel in the lungs of infected and inflamed. In addition to causing coughing and tightness in the chest, bronchitis also trigger the onset of fever, chills, sore throat and other flu symptoms. These symptoms usually disappear within a few days, but the cough can last for weeks. If acute bronchitis is often the case, it can lead to chronic bronchitis is a serious condition of the lungs that produce excess mucus due to constant irritation.
That some of the causes of cough does not go away. My advice to the doctor and have it checked immediately clean the rooms of your home regularly so that no dust and pollution that will be inhaled when you are at home. Provide good air ventilation chamber, so that the air circulation running smoothly. But if you want to try to overcome cough in a natural way, please read here


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