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How to Overcome Headache

Headache is a pain that occurs on his head and can be experienced by anyone, which is usually caused by several things such as skipping meals, too many thoughts, too much caffeine, dehydration, stress, exhaustion and much more. There are many kinds of headaches,

Kinds of Headaches

There are several types of headaches including, cluster headache, migraine headache / migraine, headache prolonged, vertigo etc. Step treatment for each type of sakt head no different in part. So before choosing which drug will you eat, you should first make sure which type of headache you are feeling at this time. Here I will share any type of headache symptoms will be in the next article.

How to Overcome Headache

For those of you who are currently headache, maybe you can do to reduce and menyebuhkan tips headache following:
1. Overcoming Headaches with Streching
Streching is pergangan movement (gymnastics). Headaches can also be caused by tense muscles, so if you are headache, try to perform motion-gerkan gymnastics, or it could be by doing yoga.
2. Overcoming Headaches with Food / Beverage Containing Mint
Well, if this method is more suitable if you suffer headaches are caused by an ulcer because skipping meals so perutmenjadi nausea and headaches. The best way to treat it is by consuming foods / beverages such as tea containing mint pappermint etc.
3. How to Treat Headaches with Drinking Water
As mentioned above, that one of the causes of headache is due to dehydration / lack of fluids in the body. And we are certainly already know that water is an indispensable component of the intake by the body. Therefore, if you get a headache, get a drink of water. Then make it a habit to drink water 8-10 glasses per day so that you avoid headaches.
4. Overcoming Headaches with Eating Potatoes
In addition due to the lack of fluids / dehydration, headaches can also be caused by loss of electrolytes such as potassium. Well, of course we have to overcome a lot of foods that are rich in potassium which is one of the potatoes. Potatoes should be eaten, cooked by fire with the skin, or boiled (not fried).
5. Overcoming Headaches with Banana
Bananas have many benefits in addition to rich in potassium turns bananas are also rich in magnesium which can help relieve migraine. Well, if the headache attack, you can eat a banana to reduce pain in the head.
6. Overcoming Headaches with Ice Cubes
Did you know, it turns out the ice cubes can also be used to reduce pain in the head. It's easy, we just need brushing-polishing / mengkompreskan ice cubes slowly in the area of your head ache. Ice cubes will cause numbness in the head that hurt, so will relieve headaches.
7. Overcoming Headaches with Sesame Seeds
The content of vitamin E in sesame seeds can help stabilize estrogen in the body, thus preventing migraine. In addition, sesame seeds are also rich in magneisum which also can prevent headaches. In addition to sesame seeds, foods such as nuts, olive oil, dandelion, wheat, and sweet potatoes, also contain magnesium.
8. Overcoming Headaches with Eating Fish
Consuming fish can also help relieve headaches, especially for beemak fish such as salmon, mackerel or tuna are rich in omega-3 and essential fatty acids that can prevent inflammation that can cause migraines.
9. Treat Headaches with Watermelon
Watermelon is a type of fruit that is rich in water, so you can use to cope with headaches caused by dehydration.
10. Overcoming Headaches with Sleeping Regularly
Tahuka you too much sleep was wrong, namuan lack of sleep is also wrong, because it should be a normal sleep. Humans can not work for 24 hours, because humans buan robot. You try to get enough sleep eg 7-8 hours so you avoid the headaches that name.
11. Overcoming Headaches with Avocado Seed
If the cause of your headaches caused by fever, you can make a compress natural from avocado seed. The trick provide 2 seed avocado then grate. After that mix with a little water, then paste on the forehead for approximately 1-2 hours or every time you sleep at night.
12. Overcoming Headaches with Coffee
Remember you with the phrase "that excessive sodium absorption ratio something good?" nah, as well as with coffee, if we consume coffee in a reasonable amount (no more than 2-3 cups / day), it turns out coffee could also be a solution when you have a headache. Because of the caffeine content in coffee 40% more effective in treating headaches. But remember, do not drink too much coffee because it can trigger a headache again, so the coffee drink no more than 2-3 cups / day.
13. Avoid Stress
Quite often headaches are also caused by the muscles or nerves are tense, in one of the cause because too many thoughts that eventually led to the stress and headaches. So my advice, do not be too busy with work. Take your time to perform refreshing. :)

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