Easy Ways to Overcome coughing and natural
Easy Ways to Overcome coughing and natural
Cough is a disease that comes from the virus. There are 2 types of cough we need to know that cough with phlegm and a dry cough, cough with phlegm usually when cough is also accompanied by flu and accompanied by phlegm.This disease will be very painful, but because chest pain causes a lot of movement when coughing, he would also disrupt sleep when suddenly you have awakened when coughing.
Treating coughs naturally good for your course apply, other than to treat it with medicine physician must also be supported with some treatment.
Read also the cause of the cough
Easy Ways to Overcome coughing and natural
1. Ginger TeaYou should mix the ginger slices with tea. Ginger tea is very good for the override cough with phlegm and has been trusted by the community in many Asian countries. Consume 2 times a day will help you to override cough with phlegm.
2. Starfruit Wuluh
Make potions with starfruit be very beneficial. Flowers starfruit also been shown to help relieve cough. Take about a handful of flowers starfruit, then mix with a few grains of fennel, add sugar and a cup of water, then steamed. After a rather cold, strain the mixture and ready to drink.
3. Lime
Surely lime also be very helpful .. Feelings dicampus lemon juice with honey and boiled water. 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of pure honey and 5 tablespoons of boiled water steamed for 30 minutes. The dose to drink this potion is 1 teaspoon twice a day. Other traditional cough medicine made from lemon juice is a mixture of lime and soy sauce. This herb is easy, just lemon juice mixed with soy sauce and taken twice a day as much as a teaspoon.
4. Turmeric
Turmeric is one of the ingredients to relieve cough with phlegm. Add 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric that has been pounded and honey into a glass of milk. Turmeric has natural properties that can relieve cough.
5. Honey and Pepper White
White pepper also has a good efficacy. mixture white pepper on your honey tea then cough up phlegm to be overcome as soon as possible.
6. Acid Young Leaves
Young tamarind leaves can also serve to cure a dry cough. Way, take half a handful of young tamarind leaves, then mix with sweet sage leaves, cinnamon, and sugar cubes to taste. Simmer over low heat until boiling and filtered. Ready to drink potions.
7. Basil
Basil leaves in addition to having a distinctive scent, he can also use sebgai restrain herb for treating coughs with phlegm. Provide 1-2 glasses of water, 2-3 basil leaves, and boiled into one. Drink warm concoction is so cough leikas lost.
8. Betel Leaves
Potions are made from betel leaf is, of course, has a flavor that is quite strange. by taking betel approximately five pieces, add the cloves, cubeb, cardamom, and cinnamon. Then boil all ingredients with water for two cups. Wait until the cooking water to approximately one-half cup. Remove and strain the water. Drink approximately one tablespoon three times a day
9. Roses
Besides the beautiful and charming roses also save properties are good. The rose was also believed to cure cough. The recipe is fresh roses take approximately ten grams, then the team with water and add rock sugar to taste. Drink twice a day.
10. Drink plenty of water Warm
Warm water will greatly help to smooth out the phlegm from the throat, so that you can treat cough with phlegm naturally by eating warm water.
Similarly, the article that I can share may be useful to the reader, I hope the above article the reader can treat cough with phlegm that is being experienced and fully recovered amen.
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