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Overcome Low Blood Pressure with Easy and Natural

Overcome Low Blood Pressure with Easy and Natural

Low blood pressure is a disease that many experienced people, but there is still a bit of confusion about this blood pressure problems. Many people assume that lower blood pressure and less blood is the same. Here note (for those who still ambiguous), that lower blood pressure and less blood is different. Indeed, the symptoms could be caused both almost the same, ie weakness, lack of drive, drowsiness etc.

Anemia is a condition in which the body lacks red blood cells (hemoglobin), which is tasked to carry and distribute nutrients and oxygen throughout the body (also called anemia). Most are caused by a lack of blood unhealthy diet, lifestyle (eg: like staying up late), or less of certain nutrients such as iron. The easiest way to cope is to get enough rest, changing diet, and eat spinach or other foods that are high in nutrients, especially iron.
Low blood pressure, or also known as hypotension, is a condition in which a person's blood pressure is very low or below normal blood pressure (120/80 mmHg), causing symptoms such as dizziness, easy fainting, fatigue, nausea, shortness of breath, blurred vision, palpitations, fever, and moist skin (sweating). People who are considered to be suffering from low blood pressure or hipotesi if their blood pressure is consistently remained around 90/60 mm Hg or lower. And, when the blood pressure becomes lower again, can lead to insufficient blood flow to reach out to the maximum to organs such as the brain, kidneys, and liver. Hypotension if not immediately handled can also be very membahyakan, even life-threatening.

Well, now clearly different from both. Thus, we will be able to take appropriate action steps to address them.

Causes of low blood pressure

• hypotension condition can be caused by things such as dehydration, too much sleep, malnutrition, number / volume of less blood, heart disorders, pregnancy, endocrine disorders, and neurological conditions.
• Certain medications such as alpha blockers, beta blockers, diuretics, antidepressants, and others can also cause low blood pressure.
When a person is experiencing low blood pressure are usually advised to increase their intake of salt and fluids. But before increasing salt intake, the doctor should perform a health check. Also it is advisable to reduce the drinks beralkoh * l, and high-carbohydrate foods such as bread, rice, pasta, and potatoes.
Appropriate treatment for hypotension condition depends on the exact cause. But you can try some natural remedies at home to reduce the symptoms. Should make sure, whether the conditions you are experiencing is actually lower blood pressure, by the way check blood pressure by means tensimeter performed by physicians / health nurse.

How to Overcome Low Blood Pressure with Easy and Natural

1. Brine
Salt water helps overcome low blood pressure due to sodium in salt increases blood pressure. Do not overdo this drug, because excess salt is unhealthy. Quite simply by mixing half a teaspoon of salt into a glass of water and drink it. You can also drinking sports drinks or energy drinks.

2. Coffee
Thick pure coffee or caffeinated beverages while also can increase blood pressure. If you frequently suffer from low blood pressure, drinking a cup of coffee in the morning, especially with orthostatic hypotension. But, do not get used to drink coffee as well as long-term effects of caffeine is still unclear.

3. Raisins
Raisins are also considered to be very good for treating hypotension naturally.
• Soak 30 to 40 raisins into a cup of lukewarm water overnight.
• Eating in the morning one by one on an empty stomach. You can also drink water once rendamannya. Do this for a few weeks or a month.

4. Basil
Kemang is useful to help cope with low blood pressure, because it is rich in vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and pantothenic acid. In addition, basil can help balance the mind and reduce stress.
• Make juice from 10 to 15 leaves of basil, and also add a teaspoon of honey. Drink this juice every day on an empty stomach.
• Another way is simply to chew 4-5 basil leaves every day in the morning.

5. Licorice root
• Licorice root is another popular natural remedy to normalize the low blood pressure condition caused by low levels of the hormone cortisol. It will produce enzymes that will break down cortisol and adrenaline to support the healthy function. It is also effective to cure chronic fatigue syndrome.
• You can make licorice tea to brew one teaspoon of licorice (dried or powdered) with a cup of boiling water for about five minutes. You can drink it every day for several days. Alternatively, you can also drink about 400-500 mg of licorice root capsules for a few days.

6. beet juice

7. The raw beet juice is very helpful for high blood pressure or low blood pressure. For hypotension, drink a cup of beet juice twice a day for about a week. This is another traditional medicine to cope with low blood pressure

See also: How to Overcome High Blood Pressure

Along with the natural treatment for low blood overcome the above, you should also do regular light exercise to help increase blood flow. But avoid strenuous exercise or heavy lifting, this includes heavy physical activity. Consult with your doctor if you use certain drugs, to determine whether there is a prescription drug you are taking is causing your hypotension problems
Similarly, the article that I can share, if the above is not enough variety of ways to help in the first month, you should consult with your doctor or health check-ups as a whole. Because usual so you have other health problems more serious, which can trigger a drop in your blood pressure, may be useful


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